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Hello, my name is Oliver, but I personally prefer Oli.

One can see in the portfolio, I specialize mainly in digital/concept art as well as 3D art.


As for who i am, I am a cynical and sarcastic individual; a perfect personality for one with a creative mind.


I do have a strong infatuation with creating 3D art for almost anything, from simple assets to the strangest of creatures. As for 2D art, give me a pencil and paper or a graphic tablet and I will never be satisfied with how many sketches I do, and if feeling audacious I would never hesitate to do some concept art.


I suppose I better say more about my skill set:

I have experience in:

Autodesk Maya 2016-

Autodesk Mudbox 2016-

Autodesk Sketchbook

Adobe Photoshop

Sony Vegas Pro

Adobe Premiere



"Attempt perfection, achieve usable." 

Oli Timlin

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